This year’s Future All Stars Weekend was, to say the least, a great success. Young people from all over the EasternTerritory and beyond gathered with the New York Staff Band at the Star Lake Camp Lodge and ConferenceCenter, fully expecting God’s blessing in musical and spiritual enrichment. All Stars and bandsmen alike have come to expect a weekend full of enjoyment, growth, excellence, and fellowship, but each new iteration brings its own unique and fulfilling experiences.

This year’s theme, “High C’s Don’t Grow On Trees,” carries profound spiritual and disciplinary truth beneath its whimsical, idiomatic rhyme. Primarily, as budding and blossoming musicians, Future All Stars understand that success in musicianship requires solid commitment; but even more importantly, spiritual growth requires a firm commitment to the highest “C” – Christ.

This truth was explored and unpacked in interesting and engaging ways through guest speakers for the weekend, Envoys Steve and Sharon Bussey – natives of Canada and South Africa, passionate about the history of the Army and banding in England, bringing the Word to youth from New England to Puerto Rico, gathered together in a camp in New Jersey. The Holy Spirit could certainly be felt throughout our time together, as we explored the historical fulfillment of God’s will through The Salvation Army’s musical legacy.

Setting the TONE for musical excellence for the weekend (shameless pun intended) was trombone virtuoso Brett Baker, well-established soloist for the famous Black Dyke Band. Between his private recitals, clinics, and valuable lessons to the delegates, Brett could be seen playing with the Future All Stars Band, tucked modestly in the back of the trombone section, offering constant guidance. His gift, while undeniable, is evermore effective in light of his humility and willingness to lead the next generation of musicians.

In addition to the invaluable ministry of our guests, All Stars and NYSB members shared in many hours of intense rehearsal and small group prayer and devotions. Lifelong lessons were learned, bonds were formed, and the Lord worked in marvelous ways through his people. Though the intense schedule left most fatigued by Sunday morning, new life was found, as it always is, by entering the presence of God in worship. This sacred and holy time was made even more remarkable by the various testimonies of Future All Stars, which indicated the profound and personal impact of their experience.

Sunday continued in jubilance, as the All Stars had the opportunity to display their gifts for God’s glory through a concert at the Montclair Citadel Corps. The sanctuary was overflowing, with people, praise, and God’s presence, as the All Stars, together with the NYSB and soloist Brett Baker, presented such a glorious sound to rival that of the most seasoned brass bands. It was certainly an afternoon, and weekend, to remember for many years to come. All in attendance were blessed, and all who participated in the weekend left the metaphorical “mount” invigorated with the power of the Holy Spirit.

For those of age to attend in the future, we fully expect a strong returning contingent to carry on the tradition. For those whose final year has passed, we know the Lord has great things in store, and will use the experience and wisdom they’ve gained to expand his kingdom. The Future All Stars are also today’s all stars, and may they continue, as Paul says in his letter to the Philippians, to “become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life.” Amen!

by Seth Ditmer